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Ever asked yourself … How can I live a happier life? Create a better society?

We’re an open community dedicated to the art of wiser living and social transformation. We favor approaches that prioritize inner development and cultural change in a rigorous, practical way.

Sign up to our newsletter for latest updates, projects and community news.



5w summary

In the past four decades, a confirmation and expansion of wisdom traditions by scientific rigor has converged with an ever deepening polycrisis.

There has never been a more important time to “grow up”, both personally and collectively. A paradigm shift is underway and we all have a part to play. 

The big question is…. how? 

Life itself is a home for people who are dedicated to rigorous enquiry and deliberate action for inner growth and cultural evolution.

Inspired by integral theory, zen buddhism and other key concepts, we cultivate these ideas and apply them to life itself, through deliberately developmental programs and community building.

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Join The Community

Our community chat is bustling, come in and say hey!

This is a space for you if:

  • You want to connect with like-minded people interested in creating a wiser, weller world
  • You want to learn from and meet experts in different fields from psychology, education, technology, metamodern philosophy and more
  • You want to build your professional network with other professionals

We meet online on a bi-monthly basis for deep discussions and communal gathering.

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What We're Up To


The Bergerac Praxis Hub

The Bergerac Hub offers opportunities to explore what it really means to live more consciously together. The Hub is nestled near the River Dordogne and just a few minutes walk from Bergerac's beautiful town centre. A perfect location from which to enjoy both the glorious French countryside and the vibrant medieval town.


The Life Itself Podcast

An ongoing podcast series of conversations with thought leaders in the fields of emerging social change, culture and technology.


Making Sense of Web3 & Crypto

Crypto & Web3 are a huge phenomenon but can be hard to make sense of. We help with introductions to key concepts and in-depth evaluations of the claims for its social and economic impact.


Ecosystem Mapping

Charting an emerging ecosystem by Life Itself, Emerge and collaborators. This project maps an emerging ecosystem centred on a radical, alternative approach to social change – one that is simultaneously paradigmatic, integrated and engaged.

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Key Ideas


Crypto: Can These Financial Perpetual Motion Machines Work

The current crypto-economy is booming. A huge amount of money is circulating, and on the surface it appears many are gaining huge returns on their crypto investments. As one now infamous piece of crypto popular culture puts it, the line just keeps going up. Much of the rhetoric in the crypto-sphere gives a sense of a perpetual motion machine, generating self-fuelled growth which will last forever. The key question is, can it?


Cultivating An Emerging Paradigm

Humanity and the planet are at a critical point in history similar to major breakdown/breakthrough points of the past, most recently the transition to modernity in the Enlightenment. We risk civilizational collapse and we also have the possibility of a breakthrough. How do we facilitate the latter?


Deliberately Developmental Spaces: A Key To Addressing The Metacrisis

In this time of metacrisis, development in individual and collective “being” is a top priority. But how do we achieve this? The short answer is we don’t know – evidence and theory in this area remains limited. Nevertheless, one promising approach is the creation of deliberately developmental spaces. This idea draws inspiration from a diverse set of sources including millenia old monastic traditions, the folk-schools of 19th-century Nordics as well as the varied experiments in intentional living more recently. In this piece we outline the key features of these spaces as well as some principles for their design and operation.

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Upcoming Residencies & Courses

Setting The World To Rights Residency

April 5th - May 2nd 2023 with Liam Kavanagh & Victoria Wilding This residency challenges this attitude, seeing big topic conversations as a crucial job of citizens in a democracy. It will feature emotionally aware dialogue about our societies’ greatest challenges and our part in responding to them.

Ouroboros Residency

May 13th - May 24th with Valerie Duvauchelle, Victoria Wilding & Lauren Uba The Ouroboros residencies will be dedicated to creating the conditions to strengthen our connection to these innate capacities by bringing our attention moment by moment to our “posture” and noticing how it in-forms us. In the residencies we will consciously move beyond the transformational dynamic of being withness to create what we describe as an “in-formational” space.

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We do rigorous research into key topics for creating a wiser, weller world and bring it all together into useful guides, so that you can dive deep on that particular topic.


Conscious Parenting

Creating a wiser, weller world starts with great parenting. Join us in discovering conscious parenting to create the stewards of the future.

Ecosystem Mapping

This project maps an emerging ecosystem centred on a radical, alternative approach to social change – one that is simultaneously paradigmatic, integrated and engaged. Discover key features and ideas of this growing space. Explore associated organizations, individuals and initiatives. See how it relates to other established and emerging movements.



Latest Updates


Food, Touch & Care: Community Call with Madelaine Ley
A presentation from our recent community call with philosopher of tech and ethics Madelaine Ley. She shared about the power of touch in relationship to the food we eat.


Conscious Parenting with Esther Montmany
In this episode, Esther shares with us how she became interested in developing a conscious style of parenting, her journey in developing Conscious Parenting, and offers insight into what Conscious Parenting looks like in practice.


Dr Jeffery Martin on A Scientific Approach to Awakening and Fundamental Wellbeing
In this episode, Jeffery discusses Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience, more commonly referred to as Fundamental Wellbeing. He discusses his research and key findings, and the protocols he has developed and tested to help people obtain "fundamental wellbeing" in a rapid, secular, and safe way.

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Meet The Team

Our team consists of artists, researchers, technologists and community builders. Despite these varied backgrounds, each shares a commitment to being wise and taking practical action to solve the collective challenges facing our society and culture.

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Our Story

Life Itself started under the name Art/Earth/Tech in 2015 when the co-founders came together under a shared vision to facilitate a wiser, weller world. The first hubs were set up during the early years in La Cheraille, Berlin and London and the team began hosting community gatherings and other events.

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