Crudely put it is "Somatics + (online) Video". Set up by Andrew Daniel -
In Cinesomatics, we work with the body on multiple levels beyond just its physical appearance. Through “feeling-based awareness” or “felt-sense”, we can see archetypes, mythological patterns, and subconscious psychosomatic configurations in the body. These reveal an incredible richness and depth of data about ourselves and the client in ways rational, heady analysis completely misses.
Start date: ? seemed to have really started around 2020? (e.g. first post by Daniel on site is dated June 2020). However practice goes back later.
Is it "open"?
Probably not e.g. from
Cinesomatic® technology is exclusive to our proprietary process.
Andrew Daniel had been coaching, writing, and facilitating since the age of 21, getting his start as a board-certified master practitioner and trainer. Andrew was teaching personal development, sexuality, holistic health, and spirituality through published courses and private clients.
In the 1980s, the late Dr. Karl Wolfe began his work using video with movement. For the next 40 years, he worked internationally with his “movement feedback video holography” methods—pioneering therapeutic work with rollerblading, slacklines, and energy.
Andrew’s journey took him to Wolfe, where he had a “rollerblading diagnostic” that would introduce him to the movement work. In Ithaca, NY, and Los Angeles, CA during the last 3 years of Dr. Wolfe’s life—Andrew worked and trained with Karl in-depth. After his passing, Andrew began to incorporate a decade of his own clinical and personal healing experience with what he learned.
He quickly advanced the technology to new places, such as taking the work “cinematic” through the use of high-speed cinema equipment and creating the embodied archetypal diagnostics.
A formal methodology and terminology were written by Andrew, including the creation of “Cinesomatics” as the name of his new process.
The Center for Cinesomatic Development (CCD) was then founded by Andrew Daniel to modernize and advance this revolutionary methodology and expand the reach of this work through clinical research and collaboration.
As it formed, 24 one-on-one sessions were done by Andrew with clients who gave permission to record and use the video publically, referred to as the groundbreaking “Embodied Archetype Study”.
This is allowed the CCD to publish videos of Cinesomatics in action—revealing for the first time in history what this sui generis process looks like to the public.
This is an somatic inner development practice with an orientation to cleaning up.