
awakening society

See https://lifeitself.org/awakening-society

An awakening society is a society oriented to "awakening": personal and collective development towards greater peace, freedom, insight and wisdom.

Development is "multi-dimensional" incorporating (at least) cognitive, emotional, spiritual, worldview and interpersonal aspects – or, in the phrase popular in the Integral community including waking up, growing up, cleaning up, showing up (spiritual growth, worldview evolution, therapeutic healing and service).

Put crudely, an awakening society is an inner growth society. This contrasts with (most) of today's society which are essentially outer growth societies.

Thus, the transition to an awakening society can be most simply described as a move from a focus on outer growth to inner growth.

Inner development and cultural evolution

Collective development could be termed "cultural evolution" and personal development also known as inner development. Thus, an awakening society is one oriented to inner development and cultural evolution.

It is important to emphasize the integral aspect of an awakening society. Thus, whilst the inner aspects of development are emphasized, at least in contrast to many of today's societies, both inner and outer development are valued.1

Synonyms (or very similar)

  • Deliberately developmental society or civilization. (Wilber and DiPerna (2017) Toward a Deliberately Developmental Civilization: Illuminating the Three Key Elements of Spiritual Transformation and Purpose)
  • Metamodern society and Listening society (Hanzi Freinacht)
  • Teal or integral society or civilization (Integral community)
  • Ecological society (Jeremy Lent)
  • Regenerative society

On the Term Development

Following Wilber and DiPerna, we use the term "development" broadly and interchangeably with the term "transformation". It refer to our innate human capacity to both grow (and heal) through predicable, sequential patterns of mental, emotional, and spiritual unfolding.

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