
Fundamental Wellbeing

Fundamental Wellbeing

Fundamental Wellbeing is a termed coined (or made popular) by Jeffery Martin. In more academic settings he tends to refer to it as Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (Martin credits the "non-symbolic" terminology to abc/@cook-greuter).

The terminology is a secular (and hence friendlier) and standardized label for state stages. Martin's map of the transcendent section of state space is the most detailed and worked out of any we know of. It greatly extends Wilber's map and those of classic wisdom traditions.

The most recent version of Martin's map is from his keynote at the Society for Consciousness Studies 2021 Conference: The Martin Matrix, a Comprehensive Map of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (Enlightenment/Nondual) (YouTube Dec 22 2021).

The Martin Matrix, a Comprehensive Map of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience In the spirit of previous milestones such as the "Wilber-Combs Matrix", this talk presents a new comprehensive model covering different types and depths of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE; i.e.: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unity consciousness, etc.). Publications and presentations over the previous 15 years of research have extensively detailed the “types” axis of the matrix. This was often confusing to the interested public, because most previous models by religious, spiritual, and philosophical traditions and teachers primarily refer to experiences in the “depth” axis of the matrix. This is the first academic presentation covering the “depth” axis, and will also explore how various depths of PNSE change across its types, which degree of depth is most resonant with a given type, and so on.


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