Annick de Witt
Contact email: [email protected] (from academic home page) or [email protected] (from article page)
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Dr. Annick de Witt is a scholar-practitioner focussing on the role of worldviews in our global sustainability challenges. Moving on the edge of science and society, she aspires to combine research into worldviews with the development of tools and programs that support educational innovation and systemic, paradigmatic change processes.
Annick’s interdisciplinary research resulted in over a dozen academic publications in high quality journals, spanning fields as diverse as economics, psychology, policy, religion, ethics, food, sustainability, and public understanding of science. Her research also resulted in a new worldview-model and Worldview Test, which are being applied in different settings across the globe, from research to education.
This Worldview Test also laid the foundation for Worldview Journeys. This is a new purpose-driven organization that offers science-based learning tools and programs that bring awareness to our individual and collective worldviews, aiming to support reflection, interaction, and transformation, across a range of contexts ~ from (higher) education and organizations, to systemic change-processes and societal innovation. These tools and programs invite individuals and groups into the widening and deepening of perspective that is often considered crucial for the emergence of a more just, sustainable, and thriving world for all.
Simultaneously, the Worldview Test also creates an ever-expanding global data-base on worldviews, which in its turn can feed and expand the research into worldviews. Additionally, Worldview Journeys’ tools and programs offer excellent opportunities for researching and innovating educational practices as well as collective learning and change processes.
Next to her academic work, Annick has written for a more popular audience (including a book), has worked with a variety of organizations and groups, and has been on the boards of several nature- and environmental organizations, including the NatureCollege and the Netherlands’ chapter of the Earth Charter.
Annick is also a passionate speaker and a skilled facilitator. A fascination with inner and social change has led her on a two-decades long exploration of a wide range of transformative approaches ~ from Integral Theory to Theory U, from yoga to Art of Hosting, from nature experience to different forms of psycho-spiritual work. Contact Annick.
- Institute for Cultural Evolution: "Then I was approached by the American Institute for Cultural Evolution, who invited me to speak at their summit, and offered to develop a digital version of the board-game. The Worldview Test was born!" –